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For Professional Advisors


Collaboration = Synergy

Professional collaboration ensures the client has a holistic plan that works for them. Working as a team, we can achieve more. After all that’s what synergy is: the interaction of two or more organizations or agents to create an effect that is greater than their separate effects. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work!

Lunch & Learn

If you’re a professional who’s hungry for food and knowledge, contact our office today for a lunch & learn with our Sioux Falls attorneys. We are also often asked to speak at events. For more information on how to book an attorney to speak at your next event, contact us.


Andrea Blowers, Director of Relations
(605) 275-5665

Meet The Team

When you work with Legacy Law Firm, you're working with a passionate team of expert advisors. 


Free Consultation

Adding value is our promise. That's why we offer a free phone consultation or initial meeting to assess your situation.